Will & Letters
of Administration for Robert Ferguson Stunkard,
Late of Taylor
Township, Fulton County
Transcribed exactly as the original.
December 22, 1900. Know all men bye this presents that i due Robert F. Stunkard this is my Will that i due will all my Real Estate and personal property to my wife Julia A. Stunkard as long as she remains my widow in Everything to remain just as it is ow till her death and then to be divided Equal among the airs. George Barnet holds a note against m but Charley has paid parts of it now and is agoing to pay it out and lift the note if Charley lifts note he muste be paide back his money whatever it is and the balance to Bee divide Equal among the airs after Charley gites his money out. If Mises Stunkard sees fit to sell the farm she can due ore no hair i sign my name.
Robert F. Stunkard (his signature)
Witnesses: M. E. Stunkard
G. W. Barnett
Transcribers notes:
Fulton County.ss.
Before me Frank R. Lynch, Register for the Probate of Wills and Granting Letters of Administration in and for said County, personally appeared M. E. Stunkard, one of the subscribing witnesses to the forgoing instrument of writing, purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Robert F. Stunkard, late of Taylor Township in the County of Fulton, deceased, who being sworn according to law, deposes and says that he was personally present and saw and heard the said testator sign, seal, publish and declare the foregoing instrument of writing as and for his Last Will and Testament, and that he signed his name as witness to said instrument of writing in the presence of the said testator and at his request, and in the presence of G. W. Barnett and at the time of signing the same he, the said testator, was of sound and desposing mind. Memory and understanding to the best of his knowledge and belief and that as he shall answer to God at the Great Day.
Signed: M. E. Stunkard
Sworn and subscribed this nineteenth day of February A.D. 1900.
Signed: Frank P. Lynch, Register
Fulton County.ss.
Before me Frank P. Lynch, Register of Wills, and c.. in and for said County, personally came M. E. Stunkard and C. R. Stunkard, who being duly qualified according to law, say they were well acquainted with G. W. Barnett and with his handwriting and especially with his signature and they verily believe the signature G. W. Barnett to said instrument attached is genuine and in his ____ handwriting.
Sworn and subscribed this M. E. Stunkard
19th day of February A.D. 1900 C. R. Stunkard
Frank P. Lynch, Register
Fulton County.ss.
Personally came M. E. Stunkard who being duly sworn according to law says that Robert F. Stunkard late of said County, died on the fifteenth day of February 1900 at one o’clock P.M. and further saith not.
Signed M. E. Stunkard
Sworn and subscribed February 19th 1901
Frank P. Lynch, Register
Be it remembered that on this 19th day of February A.D. 1901 was proved and recorded the last will and testament of Robert F. Stunkard, late of Taylor Township, deceased.
Signed Frank P. Lynch, Register
Tax .50
Fees 3.00 $3.50 paid